Based in Montreal, I specialize in portraits and headshots, focusing on crafting unique atmospheres through a subtle balance of color and light-dark contrasts. My work is inspired by cinematic language, allowing me to create contemplative and nostalgic scenes that tell compelling stories. Using various lighting techniques, I enhance the mood and depth of my images, creating cinematic portraits that come to life with rich, evocative details.
I studied communication and journalism at the Externado University of Colombia in Bogota. For several years, I worked in public relations companies as a communications consultant. My interest in film language, literature, and metal music became sources of inspiration for my later development as a photographer. I live and work in Montreal, where I obtained my degree in professional photography from Marsan College. I invest my time doing portraits, headshots, and other photography projects. I co-founded Valaquia, a collective specialized in music, fashion, and fine arts photography.

Photo by: Laura Criollo-Carrillo